- 东北亚的未来和平
- Зүүн хойд Азийн энх тайван ирээдүй
- 東北アジアにおける未来の平和
- 동북아시아의 미래평화
Virtual dialogue series with Northeast Asian youth
About the Project
“Futuring Peace in Northeast Asia” was initiated with a pilot in 2021 by the United Nations Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (UN DPPA Asia and the Pacific Division and the Innovation Cell) in partnership with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In line with the Youth, Peace and Security agenda, formalized by UN Security Council Resolutions 2250, 2419 and 2535, the project aimed at generating common visions on Northeast Asia and creating bridges between youth and policymakers.
A scaled-up project in 2022 takes the visions of preferred futures created by up to 50 youth from China, Japan, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea, and partners with the foreign policy think tank foraus for policy recommendations on one thematic pathway for future peace and stability in the region:
Regional narratives and Commonalities through New Technologies or Education Tools.
As stated in the Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda, which “invites institutions to establish better ways of listening to people […] especially groups that are frequently overlooked, such as women, young people, minority groups or persons with disabilities”, the initiative seeks to create and support a network of Northeast Asian young people, gathered to consider, question and envision the future of their region.
A foresight approach towards policy recommendations
April 13, 2022
Virtual Dialogue
Small, interactive dialogue between experts and youth to discuss dynamics of change of regional narrative formation in Northeast Asia.
July 1, 2022
Summer Session 1
Building possible futures on technology, innovation, and education tools that form regional narratives.
August 2 - 21, 2022
Summer Session 2
Testing possible futures developed in Summer Session 1 with a wider and more inclusive public.
September 9, 2022
Summer Session 3
Ideating of policy recommendations.
September - December 2022
Policy Bridge Spaces
Recommendation outputs (report, documentary) are shared in various spaces.
with youth and by youth from the region
A network of up to 50 young professionals and students from China, Japan, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea were set up in 2021. They were trained in UNESCO’s futures methodology, its tools to anticipate the range of futures and address the present with new lenses. These trained champions continue to co-design and co-facilitate dialogues to collectively create scenarios set in the future, test them using new technologies with a broader population and ideate on policy recommendations as they relate to peace and the role of youth.
With thanks to
As an innovative pilot exploring the link between futures thinking and the Youth, Peace and Security Agenda, the project is grateful for the expert guidance and support from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), National Assembly Futures Institute, Republic of Korea, Speculative Futures Seoul Chapter, Hongik University, Asia Development Bank, and Stellenbosch University.